Welcome to the Abundance Alchemy podcast, where every episode is energetically encoded to elevate your Abundance Frequency so you can experience more ease, joy, and flow in every area of your life - simply by tuning in. If you’re ready to boost your confidence to be unapologetically authentic, so you can enjoy the heck out of your human journey, your Higher Self guided you here for a reason. Let’s dive in!

Friday Jun 17, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on The Solstice Light and Joy
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Solstice time is a powerful amplifier of light. It's been 30 years since this coincided with a full moon, making this an exceptional time to allow this increased light to make it easier to live in joy and to create from light and joy.
Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for this special first year anniversary celebration episode for a Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning.
We talked about why this particular solstice is such a powerful time and how grace is the gateway into power and light. If you've ever wondered how much more intense the energies can possibly get or if you've been feeling overwhelmed and wondered how much longer this is going to last, then listen in for Nalini's response.
To join the Solstice gathering, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Jun 10, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on Field Tuning and Creating with Light
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Friday Jun 10, 2016
If you're curious how to make the shift to creating what you want as the light and joy you are in these new energies, then you'll love today's special conversation.
Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for this soulful Joyful Connections episode with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning. If you've been used to focusing on what needs to be dissolved because it's not working and you find that certain things just won't move then there's a place in you that won't move.
This is where sound and light field tuning comes in so that you can create with light as the light and joy you are. Find out what field tuning is and how this bypasses the conscious mind for quick shifts.
This is the way star streams learn as you remember to be held in the field of light when everything is new and unknown so that you can BE that field of joy and create what truly resonates.
To experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com and for Creating with Light and other resources and support go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Jun 03, 2016
Embracing Your Brilliance
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Friday Jun 03, 2016
When you remember that you are Divine and as such are here to embrace, embody and express your brilliance in ways only you can, how does that change the game of life and business? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about giving yourself permission to leave old excess baggage behind and being willing to stand out from the crowd so that your unique ways of expressing and sharing your divine gifts can magnetise to you those who truly resonate with you and what you're here to be and do.
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday May 27, 2016
Giving and Receiving
Friday May 27, 2016
Friday May 27, 2016

Friday May 20, 2016
The Art of Asking
Friday May 20, 2016
Friday May 20, 2016

Friday May 13, 2016
What is Your Money Story?
Friday May 13, 2016
Friday May 13, 2016

Friday May 06, 2016
Where Are You In Between Comfort Zones?
Friday May 06, 2016
Friday May 06, 2016
You know when your favourite pair of jeans have had their best days but you just don't want to toss them out because they're so comfortable? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about finding yourself in between comfort zones and how that relates to those jeans and your body suit in these times of transition. Plus why it's so important at this time to allow your body to receive extra support as you create new habits that empower you to fully express your brilliance.
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.

Friday Apr 29, 2016
What To Do When You Feel Guilty For Choosing What Makes You Happy
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Friday Apr 29, 2016
What to do you when you feel guilty for choosing what makes you happy, especially when others around you are struggling or unhappy? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about guilt tripping and how it can zap your freedom and joy, especially when you've just chosen to follow the path of your heart and soul to fully express your brilliance while others might still be living unfulfilling lives.
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.

Friday Apr 22, 2016
Breaking The Cycle of Setting Yourself Up For Disappointment
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Have you ever had the experience of really wanting something or really caring about someone or something and then things didn't work out as expected? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about breaking the cycle of setting yourself up for disappointment. As long as this program is running you, you'll never be able to receive what your heart truly desires. So let's shed some light on this and make some new choices, yes?
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Apr 15, 2016
Gripped By Fear or Anxiety? Here's How To Quickly Restore Peace of Mind
Friday Apr 15, 2016
Friday Apr 15, 2016
You know when you've just said yes to expanding your business or to stretching outside your comfort zone... and next thing you know you're gripped by fear or anxiety? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about the meltdown gremlins and how you can quickly release the discomfort that accompanies these feelings so that you can restore your peace of mind and open up to receive more ease and grace in all aspects of your life and business.
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.