Welcome to the Abundance Alchemy podcast, where every episode is energetically encoded to elevate your Abundance Frequency so you can experience more ease, joy, and flow in every area of your life - simply by tuning in. If you’re ready to boost your confidence to be unapologetically authentic, so you can enjoy the heck out of your human journey, your Higher Self guided you here for a reason. Let’s dive in!

Friday Aug 26, 2016
Friday Aug 26, 2016

Friday Aug 19, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on August 2016 Energy Update
Friday Aug 19, 2016
Friday Aug 19, 2016
With the abundance of fire energies being activated at the moment you might be feeling restless, irritable or even experience or witness outbursts of rage within yourself or others. There are some very practical ways to apply this energy to move creative projects forward.
Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning for an energy update for August 2016.
We talked about how to best utilise the abundant fire energy leading into eclipse and equinox season plus why moving locations can be so helpful with shifting perspective and how that affects your manifesting.
To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Aug 12, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on Practical Applications of Joy
Friday Aug 12, 2016
Friday Aug 12, 2016
If you've ever thought that joy is something to find outside yourself then you're in for a treat of practical spirituality. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections episode with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning.
We talked about my favourite topic of all time: Joy and its practical applications. Find out why radical joy shifts your energetic field into what is authentic and your true nature and how that changes absolutely everything.
To experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com and for Creating with Light and other resources and support go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Aug 05, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on Armchair Journeys in Consciousness
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Have you ever felt drawn to visit certain power spots on the planet? What if you could go on an armchair journey in consciousness to align with the energies of those locations?
To find out more about upcoming journeys with Nalini or to purchase the app, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com
To experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Jul 29, 2016
Creating Just For The Fun of It
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Something magical happens when you give yourself permission to create or do anything, just for the fun of it. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about shifting from the 'no pain, no gain' conditioning to letting joy be your guide and creating just for the fun of it. If you'd like to experience more fun in your life, relationships or business, then you'll love this week's episode.
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Jul 22, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on Truth About Guilt
Friday Jul 22, 2016
Friday Jul 22, 2016
Have you ever held yourself back from doing what you really desired because you suddenly felt guilty? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections episode with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning.
To experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com and for Creating with Light and other resources and support go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Jul 15, 2016
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Have you been feeling overwhelmed a lot lately? Wondering what the heck is going on with all the crazy crap happening in the world? Intense doesn't even begin to describe the roller coaster of emotions?
Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning for an energy update for July 2016.
We talked about all the crazy stuff happening on the planet at the moment from an energy perspective and how to shift your default settings to allow the transformations to occur with more ease and grace. Plus a few practical tips to optimise your energy right away.
To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Jul 08, 2016
What Are Your Guilty Pleasures?
Friday Jul 08, 2016
Friday Jul 08, 2016
What are your guilty pleasures and are you caught in the guilt trap without realising it? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about a recent experience that shed light on how I had been sabotaging myself after a great yoga class or receiving a fabulous body treatment. You might be surprised to find out how this could be playing out in your life. This is definitely one of those things you'd never consciously agree to and yet, many find themselves caught in the guilt trap without realising it. Listen in and set yourself free.
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.

Friday Jul 01, 2016
How Do You Feel About Greedy People?
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
How do you feel about greedy people? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about how you may have been blocking yourself from expanding your business, income and joy because of a few (un)conscious judgements about greedy people. Once you recognise the ways this can play out, you can make more empowered choices and your Presence will create ripple effects in the lives of all who cross your path.
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.

Friday Jun 24, 2016
Cultivating a Joyful Money Mindset
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Friday Jun 24, 2016
Every person on this planet has beliefs about money and therefore a money mindset. How joyful is your money mindset? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about cultivating a joyful money mindset and how that will support you and your business and how this adds to the joy in the world.
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.