Welcome to the Abundance Alchemy podcast, where every episode is energetically encoded to elevate your Abundance Frequency so you can experience more ease, joy, and flow in every area of your life - simply by tuning in. If you’re ready to boost your confidence to be unapologetically authentic, so you can enjoy the heck out of your human journey, your Higher Self guided you here for a reason. Let’s dive in!

Friday Nov 04, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on November 2016 Energy Update
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Friday Nov 04, 2016
After the last few months of intense purging of outdated programs, beliefs and agreements, it is now time to allow the nurturing of those parts of the physical body that never really felt whole or healed so that you may bring into your life what truly works for YOU; not what you had to settle for.
Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning for an energy update for November 2016.
Nalini shares some great insights into the ways our bodies were programmed for the old martyrdom cycle and how this must now be cleared and shifted as the energies of this new cycle simply no longer support those programs. Plus some very practical tips for daily practice to support your body with integrating and grounding the light.
To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.
To connect with Tina go to http://innerdelight.com

Friday Oct 28, 2016
Boost Your Abundance
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Everybody loves to feel abundant, right? Join me inside this episode of the Divine Joy Circle as I share one of my favorite abundance boosters with you! This is just one of the many joy and abundance boosters which I share with private clients and members of the Divine Joy Circle program. Have fun with this and if you love it as much as I do, then be sure to share it with your friends.
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

Friday Oct 21, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on Joy, Abundance and Flow
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Friday Oct 21, 2016
What does abundance based in joy FEEL like?
Join me for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom as we talk about joy, abundance and flow.
We've been so conditioned to play the 'no pain, no gain game' that there's a lot of unlearning to be done as we re-integrate and re-assimilate what's real: Source's abundance, joy and flow.
Nalini shares a few great re-mind-ers to shift your focus to allow each moment to be Sourced in radical joy.
To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.
To connect with Tina go to http://innerdelight.com

Friday Oct 14, 2016
My Not So Obvious Approach To Making Money Fun
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
I wonder if any of what I'm about to share with you sounds familiar? When I left my airline career to fully commit to my soul business in 2008, it was scary to let go of that steady pay check after 15 years but I felt confident that I had what it took to succeed. Oh my, was I in for a few wake up calls.
Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about one of the lowest points in my life and a series of events and questions that led to my [not so obvious] approach to making money fun. And trust me when I say it wasn't always that way!
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.
To find out more about the 21 Day Money Mojo game, go to http://innerdelight.com/21-day-money-mojo

Friday Oct 07, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on October 2016 Energy Update
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
October is promising to be a month in which to expect the unexpected, including unexpected abundance.
Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning for an energy update for October 2016.
Nailing shares some great tips to increase your awareness of the abundance in your life and to follow your joy.
To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.
To connect with Tina go to http://innerdelight.com

Friday Sep 30, 2016
Joyful Connections with Aodaoin Behind The Scenes at Dances With Dragons
Friday Sep 30, 2016
Friday Sep 30, 2016

Friday Sep 23, 2016
Joyful Connections with Nalini on DNA and Business
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016

Friday Sep 16, 2016
Friday Sep 16, 2016

Friday Sep 09, 2016
Friday Sep 09, 2016

Friday Sep 02, 2016
How Do You Stay Committed To Your Vision?
Friday Sep 02, 2016
Friday Sep 02, 2016
How do you keep showing up for what really matters to you, especially when you don't seem to be making any progress? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about staying committed to your vision and how to get crystal clear on your core values so that you can easily assess what to invest your energy in to and where to step back.
If you'd like to read the article I reference in today's episode on simple ways to bring the joy back onto your life and business, then go to http://innerdelight.com/10-simple-ways-bring-joy-back-life-business-2-prioritise-create-space/
Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.